The secret for the perfect natural ”swollen” lips
The juicy lips are indeed overcome, but when you get them artificially, they also become
excesses that do not have the desired effect.
There are many ways to get attractive lips. It can be through injections or a bomber lip palm, or
other specified methods that you can find either online or to a cosmetic shop.
But what happens when you don’t want to use the injections? See below some secrets that I will
share with you, and the result will justify you.
In a toothbrush, put a little sugar and make a natural scrub on your lips. By doing a scrub to your lips,
it helps them get moisture, clean and removes the dead skin. In any case, we do not want to injure
the lips, so do it gently by giving a little more emphasis on the edges, on the contour. After the lips
have blushed slightly, stop the scrub and treat the area with a mixture of some olive oil and
By this process, the sugar scrub will cause lip limb to "swell" naturally. The oil will soften them and give them a glowing texture, while cinnamon will maintain the natural "swelling" for a long while and will provide it with a more pleasant taste. Also, you will notice by then that your lips will look more moisture and they will be!
On top, you can add any soft liquid lipstick. It is better to choose very soft colours like baby pink or
even transparent. This ‘’secret’’ it is ideal for young girls, but also for those who love beautiful lips and they hate injections like me!
I hope that you liked this article! Try it and let me know your thoughts!!
Lots of Love,