In the current society that we live in, people tend to impose some restrictions or obstacles against your actions. Everybody is attempting to prevent you from achieving your goals and make your dreams real. Why? Nobody can answer this! Maybe it is just because some people are jealous, or just...
Άπειρες είναι οι φορές που νιώθουμε είτε αδικημένοι, είτε απογοητευμένοι, είτε προδομένοι τόσο από τις καταστάσεις της ζωής μας όσο και από τους ανθρώπους που μας περιτριγυρίζουν. Άπειρες είναι οι φορές που μετά από αδιάκοπες προσπάθειες θα τα παρατήσουμε αλλά θα αποφασίσουμε να ξαναπροσπαθήσουμε. Νιώθουμε πως το σύμπαν προσπαθεί να συνωμοτήσει για...
Before you judge, you should think! This is a topic that I was always wanted to write about. However, I took the initiative to start wondering more about it after a friend’s suggestion. Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon for people to judge not only their fellow mates but also...
Every New Year is the most appropriate occasion to set your new goals, whether in a professional or personal manner. Targeting more often affirms the soul and helps to deal with the depressive elements in our mood and life, which usually intensify after the Christmas break. But to be true,...
I really understand that after a long day at work you all guys probably you are very nervous stressed etc. So am i, and for that reason i am trying to get relaxed when i come back home! When i was younger i was just coming back from work and...
Monday is the hardest day of the week and this is because it is the next day after the weekend. But do you know that you can reverse that? Read, Repeat and Relax with the Monday's Motivational Quotes. Now, you can motivate yourself and Monday could be one day like...
'Ανθρωποι....'οντα, που κυκλοφορούν ανάμεσα μας! Τώρα θα μου πεις...γιατί και εσύ τι είσαι; Κι όμως, αν με ρωτήσεις ποια είναι η σχ'εση μου με τους ανθρώπους θα σου πω τυπική! Και δεν υπάρχει λόγως να μπω στη διαδικασία να σου το εξηγήσω,εκείνο όμως που μπορώ να σου πω είναι πως όταν...