
Imagine & FlyLifeStyle

Why do smart people find it difficult to find happiness?

"Blessed are the poor in spirit" has a reason, and this is confirmed by studies showing that smart people find it difficult to be happy. But why is that? Over-analysis kills happiness And over-analyzing is an idiom of intelligent people. Rarely will a smart person accept a situation because "that's...
Imagine & Fly

Do not compromise, It is a trap!

In the current society that we live in, people tend to impose some restrictions or obstacles against your actions. Everybody is attempting to prevent you from achieving your goals and make your dreams real. Why? Nobody can answer this! Maybe it is just because some people are jealous, or just...
Imagine & Fly

Οσο υπαρχει το χαμογελο, υπαρχει ελπιδα

Άπειρες είναι οι φορές που νιώθουμε είτε αδικημένοι, είτε απογοητευμένοι, είτε προδομένοι τόσο από τις καταστάσεις της ζωής μας όσο και από τους ανθρώπους που μας περιτριγυρίζουν. Άπειρες είναι οι φορές που μετά από αδιάκοπες προσπάθειες θα τα παρατήσουμε αλλά θα αποφασίσουμε να ξαναπροσπαθήσουμε. Νιώθουμε πως το σύμπαν προσπαθεί να συνωμοτήσει για...
Things that make me happy
Imagine & FlyLifeStyle

21 Things that make me happy!

Hey guys! It is been a long time again..:) Today i am going to share with you 21 things in my daily routine that make me happy! First of all, real thanks to THE ROLLING DONUT for the most beautiful donuts I’ve ever seen! I mean, come on…they were almost...