
Imagine & Fly

Together or not?

"TOGETHER OR NOT?" A simple question but at the same time a confusing one. How many times we were wondering if we are together or not? A lot! Most of the relationships start being confusing at that very moment when the one cannot decide what exactly he/she needs in his/her...
Imagine & Fly

The idea of volunteering

This year should be a fabulous and fruitful one. January is the month where people start thinking what they did in the last year and what they intend to do in the next one. My suggestion for this year is to start adopting the idea of volunteering. This is what...
Imagine & Fly

Yeah, I am a Theatre Lover !!

Yeah, I am a theatre lover, and I like it!! Let's begin with an old story when I was just 11 years old and my lovely teacher, Socrates, gave me the opportunity to participate in his play. And that was the first time that I decided to be brave and stand in front...
Imagine & FlyLifeStyle

Birthday weekend in Brussels

Hi Loves! Welcome back at!!! Another blog post of our page IS ON! And... can you imagine?? Oh yes, i did it, guys!!! I booked a weekend full board trip to Brussels from Dublin for my honey! Vasos had his birthday on July, so i wanted to offer something...
Imagine & Fly

Τι σκληρο εμαθα απο την ζωη…

'Ανθρωποι....'οντα, που κυκλοφορούν ανάμεσα μας! Τώρα θα μου πεις...γιατί και εσύ τι είσαι; Κι όμως, αν με ρωτήσεις ποια είναι η σχ'εση μου με τους ανθρώπους θα σου πω τυπική! Και δεν υπάρχει λόγως να μπω στη διαδικασία να σου το εξηγήσω,εκείνο όμως που μπορώ να σου πω είναι πως όταν...