Unfortunately, it is a common thing, for everybody to feel stressful, with or without reason, at any time during the day. I believe that stress is so dangerous that it may cause health as well as psychological problems that will result in subsequent general failure in our life. Do not...
In the current society that we live in, people tend to impose some restrictions or obstacles against your actions. Everybody is attempting to prevent you from achieving your goals and make your dreams real. Why? Nobody can answer this! Maybe it is just because some people are jealous, or just...
"TOGETHER OR NOT?" A simple question but at the same time a confusing one. How many times we were wondering if we are together or not? A lot! Most of the relationships start being confusing at that very moment when the one cannot decide what exactly he/she needs in his/her...
Η πλέον σύγχρονη κοινωνία μας έχει καθορίσει τα ΠΡΕΠΕΙ και τα ΜΗ, τα ΝΑΙ και τα ΟΧΙ, τα ΑΠΟΔΕΚΤΑ και τα ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΜΕΝΑ, τα ΦΥΣΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΑ και τα ΑΦΥΣΙΚΑ. Ναι, η κοινωνία όπου ζούμε έχει θέσει κάποιους αυστηρούς περιορισμούς στους οποίους εμείς όλοι, ανεξαιρέτως, θα "πρέπει" να υπακούμε. Τέτοιου είδους περιορισμούς πιθανόν να αφορούν είτε...