Healthy snacks during the day

Are you hungry? Be careful about what you eat! Snacks are an integral part of proper nutrition, they help metabolism work well, prevent us from eating too much at our main meals, and give us the ability to “pinch” something if we like snacking.
Personally, I make sure I have two or three snacks a day in my diet, and I present some of them. Usually i have them between my breakfast and lunch and in the afternoon. They are very nutritious and tasty!

Beat in the blender half a low-fat yogurt, a little almond milk, 15 grams of oats, three strawberries and half a banana. I also add some cinnamon. Ideal for after exercise. You can also add some chai seeds and it will be delicious!
Half low-fat yogurt, with fruits and porridge.

I usually eat it in front of the TV just before I sleep or in the afternoon when i am hungry again. I either take yogurts with fruits or i make my own with dried fruits, nuts and honey.
Dried fruits and nuts.
Ideal for when you’re away from home, a very nutritious, clever way to eat fruit if you don’t like it raw. For example, I don’t like winter fruits at all. There are plenty of dried fruits, such as plums, kiwi, apricots, and many nuts from which one can choose what he likes best.