Beauty & CareImagine & FlyLifeStyle

Detox Drink


The intestine is one of the most important vital organs, and its detoxification is required as the toxins in the body are responsible for both pathological and… psychological problems! Beauty and the mood start from the inside out, so a good cleaning of our body is essential!

Try the following, and you will remember me:

You will need:

  • A green apple
  • Orange juice
  • A slice of pineapple
  • Half a cucumber
  • Half leaf Aloe Vera

Wash and clean the fruit thoroughly, remove the aloe and remove the miracle gel from the inside (you can use aloe gel as well, but homemade is always better).

Put all the fruits in the blender together with the aloe gel, add a glass of water, the orange juice and mix well!

Your drink is ready to eat. You can drink it once in the morning and once in the evening, but it is also essential to have a balanced diet low in fats and toxins to immediately feel the benefits of detoxification.
