Δεν συνήθιζα να λέω καλημέρα το πρωί. Αλλά αυτός ο άγνωστος στον δρόμο με έκανε να νιώσω πως η ‘καλημέρα’ μπορεί να είναι τόσο σημαντική για να έχεις μια όμορφη ημέρα. Η καθημερινότητα παραμένει ως μια σταθερή ρουτίνα για όλους μας. Ξυπνάμε με την σκέψη πως θέλουμε να κοιμηθούμε ακόμη...
Most of the times, I hear other people complaining about everything that may happen in their life. Either he is a friend, a colleague, a family member or even someone that I have just met. I feel that some people have this tension to complain and believe that the universe...
Γνωριστήκατε κάπου, κάποτε τυχαία. Δύο άγνωστοι τότε, αλλά υπήρξε αυτό το βλέμμα, αυτή η πρώτη ματιά που μόνο εσείς μπορούσατε να αντιληφθείτε. Κανείς άλλος. Μια σκηνή, σαν βγαλμένη από ταινία, όπου τα πάντα γύρω παγώνουν και μένετε μόνο εσείς. Τίποτα πλέον δεν έχει σημασία, γιατί είστε μόνο εσείς οι δύο...
I have never travelled abroad for less than three days. I believe that it is not worth it to start packing and then spend hours moving towards the airport and the hotel just for having two days of relaxation in a different country. And now, I realised that I was...
Unfortunately, it is a common thing, for everybody to feel stressful, with or without reason, at any time during the day. I believe that stress is so dangerous that it may cause health as well as psychological problems that will result in subsequent general failure in our life. Do not...
Travelling, travelling and travelling! This is one of my favourite activities, and I enjoy it every time that I am organising to travel abroad or even to have a local excursion in my country. This time I decided to go to Vienna with a friend. Oh, wait this is an...
I am pretty sure that you have already realised that I like to share with you my weekend routine and to explain to you what I enjoy to do 😊 Thus, It was about time to share my new hobby, hiking!! In this article, I will try to show you...
I can admit that during my school-age, I loved reading books. It was a daily routine for me. Well, most of the times, I found myself of being strict on the things that I like to do. It used to be reasonable for me to have a tight schedule and...
Although I found myself of being a traveller, I realised that I prefer to travel outside my island, Cyprus, during autumn and spring instead of during summer. There is no reason specific for this preference. However, I try my best to organise whatever I found interesting within my island. Cyprus...
After three years of imagination, I finally did it!!!! And I can share with you my skydiving experience!!! I am so excited about my last goal, and I will try to convey to you my feelings, my experience, my dream! As you can realise, I am a person who loves...