Beauty & CareImagine & FlyLifeStyle

A way to remove your nail Gel at home

Nail removal

One of the daily problems that the presence of the Coronavirus has created in our lives is our abstinence from the routine of care and beauty. Have you run out of nails as I do with the nail polish? I have a solution for you! 😊

I did my research, and as per the instructions of experts, I was able to remove the polish from my nails without injuring them.

 So, if you’re in the same situation what to do:

  1. Gently nail the surface of the nail. Our nails will blur in any color we have, as this will remove the top cover.
  2. We take small pieces of cotton, water them in clean acetone, and then wrap the toes with them.
  3. Wrap your fingers and cotton in small pieces of aluminium foil to make sure they are not stuck in the air and wait for 10 – 15 minutes.
  4. After removing the foil and cotton, with a blade, we remove all residues from the paint.

Usually, if you remember correctly, a professional would use a stick for this process. If you have a stick to choose from, if not, the file also does its job. If you have a buffer, scrub your nails over it to refine the cleaning. Everything you need (laminate, acetone, chopsticks, buffers) can be obtained from either a good supermarket or a pharmacy.

Then it is best to brush your nails with oil, from olive oil to any other oil, to moisturize them!

Go for a manicure treatment though, and if you can do it yourself, otherwise wait until the next appointment with your favorite professional.

