21 Things that make me happy!

Hey guys!
It is been a long time again..:)
Today i am going to share with you 21 things in my daily routine that make me happy!
First of all, real thanks to THE ROLLING DONUT for the most beautiful donuts I’ve ever seen!
I mean, come on…they were almost way too pretty to eat them. But of course i will and that makes me very #happy!!! Their sweets and their lovely taste! You should definitely try it!
I understand that we all want to be happy and every day happier…
But I think the first step is to identify the things that really DO make you happy. And once you’ve figured out what those things are, the best thing you can do is focus on making those things a bigger part of your life daily.
So here we go…inspired by my delicious sweets from THE ROLLING DONUT, here are 21 things that make me happy everyday.
- Sleeping in the morning without a clock alarm set on my phone on Saturday and Sunday.
- Applying my daily make up routine and feeling special everyday.
- Listening to music on my walking way to work.
- Summertime without humidity.
- My lovely cats, when they are meowing at my door waiting for cuddles.
- Walking in a beautiful landscape .
- Wearing my soft clothes and relax on the couch before sleep.
- When someone actually says, “Thank You.” and they realize things for you and appreciate.
- Going to the gym and attend my fitness classes, as well as the spa.
- Receiving random acts of kindness or nice comments FROM strangers.
- Sunday brunch time with my fav coffee.
- Netflix marathons with my partner in crime.
- All kind of animals and Dublin Zoo escapes.
- My orchid flowers.
- Going to bed before 11pm during the work week.
- When the outfit I want to wear looks really good on me that day.
- That fresh clean feeling you get when my house is super clean.
- Doing meditation before bed time.
- When I cook dinner and it’s not an epic disaster.
- Packages at my doorstep, from online shopping.
- Thinking about things that make me happy.
Any of those things sound good to you guys? Let me know in the comments what kinds of things make you happy! And then…go treat yourself appropriate. You know what to do!