Imagine & FlyLifeStyle

My 10 easy ways of relaxation after work

Ways of relaxation

I really understand that after a long day at work you all guys probably you are very nervous stressed etc. So am i, and for that reason i am trying to get relaxed when i come back home!

When i was younger i was just coming back from work and laying on the sofa and watch TV or something. But now this doesn’t work for me at all!

So i tried to find out some new ways of relaxation let’s say. Just to let you know those ways doesn’t suit to everyone but maybe some of them does. So you need to find out your ways as well!

At the moment i can give you some examples or advises of what you can do and it might help you…

1. Change your clothes!

First thing that you should do is to change your clothes. You need to take off your work clothes in order to feel that this part is done and now you are ready for something else. You could see then that there’s nothing better than your comfortable wearing clothes. Something simple and at the same time it does not take any extra time.

2. Pet cuddles

If you are a pet lover believe me you are blessed! Sit on your sofa or bed and cuddle your pet! It is very simple but at the same time it is very helpful. Animals and especially cat when they are purring they are offer you a free full vibrations which helps your inner soul and your overall feelings. Try it it is not a joke and it really works!!! I do this ALWAYS and all the time and especially when i am sad for something it works like healing for me.

pet cuddles


3. Meditation

Another ancient method! if you can meditate yourself for 30-60 min that would be brilliant. After an exhausting day at work you need to relax your soul and your inner you instead of your body. There are a lot of meditation techniques which they can help in both situations of body and soul. You will realize that you will feel better but don’t wait to work just from the very first time, you need to put it into your program and do it daily for some minutes.

4. Listen to a music

One of my favorite things when i got back from work is to listen to a relaxing music for a while. There are special music sounds for relaxation and you can find out what it does work for you and what you like and you can use it. It is very important to do things that you enjoy because all the negative feeling that you may have from work will disappear with something that you like.

listen music

5. Cook something

OK i understand that this works for me a lot but it does not work for everybody. But in my case cooking something easy it works like a meditation. You can just try it!

6. Have a nice warm bath

Before you change your clothes you can have a warm bath. I swear it really helps! With the heat water you can relax your body, mind and muscles. When our muscles got relaxed then we can see that we are more relaxed in general because our body at work is under pressure as well so with the warm bath you can get really relaxed body. Especially the soap sometimes it has an important role, prefer to have something relaxing with nice aroma for your soap in the bath so at the same time you can smell it.

7. Use essential oils 

I just discovered few weeks ago from a really good friend of mine that essential oils can help as well. You can either wear a necklace with essential oil inside in order to have it all day long with you and smell it, this will keep you relaxed all day long. Also, you can use them in your house by a diffuser that you can fill inside any essential oil that you wish and you can smell it all night. It really works and there are different oils for every situation that you can try.

essential oils

8. Light Candles

After a long day at work, I love running over to the kitchen and lighting candles. I lighting 2-3 different candles in order to have various smells around the house. It is really relaxing and at the same time very romantic. It keeps you calm instead of having open lights.


9. Watch a comedy

It is really important to laugh in our lives. So by watching something that you enjoying and laughing that could brings you joy and happiness and you can kick out your bad feelings and thoughts that you may have from work or people that annoying you during your working day.

10. Enjoy a glass  of wine

For me to be honest this does not work because i am not a friend of wines but i know that some people really enjoys a glass of wine before get to sleep. It is a very good way to relax yourself and have a nicer sleep during the night. I only know that is better the red wine at night instead of white.

Glass of wine

So that all that i think that gets you relaxed after a long day at work and most of them it does work on me. So if i forgot something or if you have any suggestions please do so by the comments below!


LeoniDim xx